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Due to the leadership of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in international activities of the country, the University's International Relations Office was established in 1988. These activities include: Study opportunity courses abroad for faculty members and students, educational missions inside the country or abroad, planned trips abroad, Participation in international conferences abroad, Acceptance of international students in different educational levels, holding domestic and international conferences, and conclusion of international memorandums of understanding with world-renowned centers.

In this regard, considering the importance of expansion and the need to establish organized communication within the university, the offices of the international vice-chancellor of the faculties were established. The International Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine has been working since 2011 with the current structure and description of duties. As the first step to start the activities, the description of the duties and objectives of the vice-chancellor was compiled and approved by the honorable faculty board.


-Improving the position of the faculty in international rankings

-International accreditation of medical school

-Applying new models to attract participation in extra-university plans and projects at the international level

-Introducing and informing the missions and position of the medical school in the regional and global arenas

-Increasing the quality and quantity of attracting international students


Activities in line with the international development programs of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education and TUMS and Faculty of Medicine


Considering the importance and role of the medical school to achieve the goals of the International Vice-Chancellor, the main activities include:

-Establishing an active presence in the international arena for the exchange of professors and students and the creation and development of inter-university specialized communication in the form of seasonal schools and Exchange programs.

-Coordination and cooperation with the activities of the headquarters of the International Vice-Chancellor of the University

-Holding stock exchange council meetings in order to provide facilities for participating in educational mission courses inside and outside the country, Study opportunities, and travel plans abroad for respected faculty members

-Holding meetings to recruit international secondary academic staff to attract international professors for educational and research cooperation

-Supporting Iranian students to participate in courses abroad in the form of study opportunities and other courses under the regulations of the International Vice-Chancellor of the University

-Providing facilities to participate in conferences abroad for respected faculty members and students

-Coordinating the visits of foreign guests by arranging predetermined programs

-Maintaining communication with the subordinate units by holding written meetings under the holding of international affairs planning meetings and the annual meetings of the international vice chancellor of the medical school with the presence of the international vice-chancellors of the groups and hospitals

- Evaluation session in English for professors to promote faculty members

- Notification of new events and updating of the site of the International Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty

- Issuing ordinances of international deputies

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